Active Schools Week

ASW 2019 – 13th to 16th May

The Department of Education and Skills and Healthy Ireland encourage ALL schools to organise an Active School Week (ASW) as part of their annual school calendar.
The ASW initiative is about providing FUN and INCLUSIVE physical activity opportunities for ALL members of the school community. It allows schools to reinforce the message that not only is physical activity good for you but it also very enjoyable. It provides schools with an excellent opportunity to raise awareness about the physical activity opportunities that are available in their locality and to work collaboratively with students, parents and members of the community.

Wow – what a fantastic week we have had for our Active Schools Week. The children had a fantastic time doing a variety of activities every day both inside in their classrooms, outside on the field, in the playground and all around the school.Each year group participated in brilliant active events organised by the Active School Committee. These included Rounders, Cic Fada and Welly Throwing, Orienteering and an Obstacle Course.

Each year group had a specialised teacher who focussed on a particular sport and the children really enjoyed it. 

In 4th class, the children learned how to play cricket with Mark

In 5th class, the children did gymnastics with Rachel and Skye from Olympian Gymnastics.

Everybody Dance Now!

Our week finished with a spectacular display of dancing on the main yard. Every child and member of staff had been busy practising the moves to Justin Timberlakes ‘Can’t Stop the Feeling’ so we gathered together to dance! It was brilliant fun and everyone gave a brilliant performance!